Sunday, February 10, 2013

tak boleh stop merungut manusia ni

sorry -okay I dont usually use the F word but somehow i need to let it out . here. at this very moment.

what happened ? okay , for the last 2 days, i was wasting my time and then i realize "what the fffffffffff am i doing?". okay sorry again but seriously i can't fly to Australia with this attitude. aku selalu fikir macam "oh aku remaja yang masih mecari erti kehidupan, segala assignment dan study-for-test is really not tht crucial". now tell me, fikiran apakah itu? celaka betul.

okay okay i knowwww I complaint too much. i should now trying to finish all the craps- I mean assignments given. haha tapi entah holiday kan? so when it come to holiday I tend to sleep and watch movies. too much. kalau orang lain tengok movie 2 kali sehari - aku sangatlah tak. believe it or not I just finish the 13th movie within this 2 days. not to mention i slept half of the day. celaka betul.

i wish i can control my attitude. attitude ini tidak akan sesekali bawa aku ke AUSTRALIA. tidak sama sekali. aku tahu itu tapi untuk berubah memang. celaka betul. 

jadi baiklah aku akan berubah. demi masa hadapan anak-anak aku nanti. -poyo macam jahanam je ni.

haha okay Assalamualaikum.

(aku dapat rasakan perubahan)

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