Wednesday, August 26, 2009

tag ni panjang

What have you been doing recently?
eating breakfast---- in my dream *puasa.

What is your fav word?
babi , & taikkkkkkk ,

Who is the best boyfriend you ever had?
none of your bisnes la gemukkkk!

Are you shopaholic?
ask my mom .

Do u like to eat?
i eat more than anyone else .

What was the last song you sang out loud?
ku gembira! sentiasa! badan ku sehat dan kuat! huurey! biar panas! atau sejuk! ku bermain penuh minat! menyanyi! melalak! sini sana! scoot elmosion membantu sayaaaaaaa!! papppp! *kena sepuk dgn bibik -____-"

What is the colour of ur room?
pinkk *wink wink. tipu je act warne putih. heh ,

Who is the first person you call if u have a problem?
999-polis . then baru anak perempuan najhan yang kurus kering dan rambut sakai tu. haha . *yang pasti bukan kucing saya .

Who gives you the best advise?
my mom , haha , nahh . its me and someone in my head.
*im pretty sure she's a lady

What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
"klo sye nk couple ngn awk, awk trme x?"

Who is the first name in ur contact ?
abu .

Who is she/he?
err, schoolmate- junior

Do u like she/he?
dia lagi pendek dari adik saya, as friend? err-yeah , yes yes

Do you have any nicknames?
yesss. do u have any nicknames?
*well,the most nicknames i like is-tambee. haha . hbu ?

Who is the last person that missed call you?
sadly , my MOM .
*she asked me to switch off that damn light in her room,-dia malas nak tutup sendiri padahal bape meter je. urghhh -_-

Is something bugging you now?
YESSS! my pimple that just arrived *dekat pipi pulak tu.

Give the best 3 vc that you like most.
-leavin by jesse mccartney *aww
-hot and cold by katy perry *do u take this girl as ur wife?
-that's what u get-paramore*vocalist dia lawa :)

What are you wearing right now?
well, lets see, omg :O
im naked! *my short and shirt just run off!

Do you like to wear make-up?
that is notttt important, where in hell my short and shirt run off?!

What are the best present you get?
yeahh! I find my shirt, but my short is still missing in action and full or mystery----

What is you hope right now?
well, no heart feeling but i reallyyyyy hope u can stop asking. pleaseeeeee ;D

Are you currently happy?
why can u stop asking?

Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
stop asking . I hate youu!

What time did you go to bed last night?
siyeslyy I hate youuuu!

What do you want in your life now?
bye . fuck you .

p/s : sorry dah malas and ngntok *ignore the spelling and the grammar. tq.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

AHADDD -tepung!

we all had a stupid, freak , awsome , bengong, gempak and fun time! mmg tak buleh nak ckp apa lah . the best day ever kottt, haha .

SABTUU -konsert!

p/s : mtv world stage live in malaysia rockkk yeahhh!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

fyi ,

perempuan yang tak gedik , tak normal okey ?
-dari perpustakaan negara*sila cari

Friday, August 7, 2009

kerja tiada kerja

Ini yang saya tulis ketika berada di dalam kelas *cikgu tak masuk (kene selsema babi)

"BF saya kata BF awak tak guna,
BF saya mintak couple, awak nak?
Kalau BF awak setuju nak break ,
Awak ambil lah BF saya jadi BF awak.
Nanti saya imform dekat BF saya .
BF saya hensem tau ;)''

jam magic.

Saya ta tahu kenapa saya nak post pasal benda ni . saya cume berasa hairan dan agak hairan sebab saya tak tahu kenapa setiap kali saya ada jam tangan . ia tak pernah kekal dengan saya . TAK samapai setengah bulan , mesti ia dah rosak , kucing saya tanam , hilang (missing in action and full of mystery) , or adeq saya yang berumur 2tahun tu makan (biasanya mcm tu lah) -___-'' .

Saya sedih . Saya ingat nak balas dendam dekat dia *adeq saya tu , tapi mama saya tak kasi sbb mama saya kata dia kecil lagi . saya setuju (sbb tu lah saya selalu panggil adeq saya tu makhluk perosak kecil) jadi saya pun bercadang nak balas dendam bila dia besar lagi .

But now , saya akan balas dendam dekat adeq ke-2 saya , muhd al amin, 12 tahun . Mak saya kata setuju dan bagi kebenaran bertulis lagi ( baiknya mak saya) lalu saya curi jam tangan adeq saya *yang besar and ada baaaanyakkk fungsi . heh .

1) adeq saya ta perasan pun yang jam dia hilang (sbb saya curi)
2) jam itu *yang saya curi selamat dan setia dengan saya .

mybe sebab jam tu tak pernah suke adeq saya or mybe sebab saya ni cantik agaknya . entah.

kantoi-zee avi

Semalam I call you, you tak answer
You kata you keluar pergi dinner
You kata you keluar dengan kawan you
but when I called Tommy he said it wasn't true

So I drove my car pergi Damansara
Tommy kata maybe you tengok bola
Tapi bila I sampai... you, you tak ada
Lagi la I jadi gila

So I called and called sampai you answer
You kata sorry sayang tadi tak dengar
My phone was on silent, I was at the gym
Tapi latar belakang suara perempuan lain

Sudahlah sayang,
I do
n't believe you
I've always known that your words were never true
Why am I with you?
I pun tak tahu
No wonder la my friends pun tak suka you

So I guess that's the end of our story
Akhir kata she accepted his apology
Tapi last-last kita dapat tahu she was cheating too
With her ex boyfriend's best friend, Tommy...

i prefer Zee Avi than Yuna.

I want a boy

I want a boy that can make me smile when Im tired . The one that can make me laugh when i'm crying . I want a a boy that always said I'm beautifull even I look so sakai that time *saya memang selalu sakai. He can lie for me . And he must play with my hair . HAHA , damn i like it so much . heh . But then , the most thing that i want is :

He can make me feel special- because he love me and he can stand with my attitude and my BIG EGO .

judge myself

I am a girl that have a small eyes escpecially when I'm smiling or laughing and I have a sexy lips if u watch it carefully *wink wink* . I also have nose *like u all lah -___-' and dont even talk about it , my skin is not white i guest, BUT its not blacky kott . I dont have suitable word for my skin, sorry. and btw , I love my eyebow *kening kening and my granma said it's beautifull. HAHA,

Pimple? yeah sometimes, but now , jarang . Cause my mom send me to do facial treatment every mount . What can I say ? heh. Oh yea and I hate my teeth , like a-lot ! but its not a big deal . Im not yet rongak or whatever . *braces coming soon .I like my hair ecspecially when I woke up every morning. ouhh-yea . messy ! haha . my body ? woaa its act HOT , but I find my body as not-type-of-skinny-body ! ecspecially my ass . urghh i need some diet and i need less food :((

p/s : sha kata pipi i selalu kemerahan. ehee :')

diorang comel:')

so dorang comel okey ? pernah terfikir tak kenapa saya ta comel mcm dorang?
*saya pernah

Saya ada blog, awak ada blog ke ?

ouhh yeaa! saya ada blog and I have a blog. so i think that's all,
HAHA , okey I have to write something right. uhh -____-''

fyi : saya suke copy paste ayat orang sbb saya suka combination ayat copy-paste. ehee. and and ! majoriti saya akan gunakan bahasa malaysia -sebab saya sokong bahasa ibunda sebab saya sayang ibu saya even dia selalu cubit saya dan ta bagi FREEDOM lngsg woo . Saya seorang yang sangatt la pemalas *belive me its true, my mom never teach me to lie ecspecially with you . jadi disebabkan itu saya rasa nak tulis blog , mana tahu ia buleh buat saya berdiri di muka bumi ini sebagai seorang yang rajin. mcm tu lah . Saya nak rajin sebab ibu saya kata kalau saya malas xde org nak kahwin dgn saya. Saya nak kawin.